Mat Training Optional Pre Course Study Guide

Optional: For students who want to get a jump start on their mat pilates training, here are some pre-course study materials and tips.

  • Most important is that you train well and train smart!
  • All of the course exercises are publicly available with explanations and cuing from Jelena! You can already begin learning the exercises by name, practicing the exercises, and practicing the cuing.
  • Read Joseph Pilates “Return to Live through Controlology” by Joseph H. Pilates and William John Miller, Ravenio Books, 1945
  • Anatomy Prep. The anatomy portion requires you to learn many new concepts and also to memorize some bones, muscles, attachments, and terminolgy.
    • You will need to use a digital human anatomy program that focusses on muscles, bones, ligaments, and tendons. One good example that I recommend is the visible body program. (Purchase a 1 year subscription). If you have your own preferred program or already own such a program you can use that instead.
      Either way, you can take time before the course to become familiar with this program (play with it.)
    • You will need to learn a specific list of terms and concepts for the anatomy course. If you find memorization difficult, it might be worth starting already. You can access the need to know list here.
    • Many students like to have a book reference for anatomy. This is not required but can be very useful. We have found the following book to be just at the right level: “Anatomy of Movement” by Blandine Calais-Germain, 2nd Edition, Eastland Press, 2007. Here is one linke where you can purchase this item: However if you have a different preferred paper anatomy book that is also fine.